Firefox 2

I’ve been upgrading to Firefox 2 here, one computer at a time. There are some differences, but most of them are minor and really don’t change the feel of the browser.

So I really haven’t thought about the change. But one difference just caught me by surprise: the built-in spell-checker. Continue Reading…

I don’t exist!

Saw this web thing on another blog and thought I’d try it…
Logo There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Apparently, there are 0 of me in the US. Not even one, none. Not what I expected at all! Continue Reading…

Telephone blues

I can’t think of the last time I got a phone call that I really wanted. The closer we get to election day, the worse it’s gotten too.

I was thinking about it and how we pay for the (in)conveniance of having a landline. Have you ever tried to cut down on your phone service? I have. And I can honestly say, I have gone away from the experience with a smaller bill, but only because I was paying such outrageous bills in the first place. Continue Reading…

A nice warm November day

Erie Canal Locks, Lockport NY

It was a nice day, so I took a walk to the Post Office and took a camera along.

Slideshow Continue Reading…

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