It’s still a commercial to me…

It’s been a while since I complained about TV commercials. Does that mean all is good in couch-potato-land? No, it just means things haven’t changed.

But I’ve noticed a new form of commercial lately and it’s – for some reason – particularly annoying to me. Let’s call it the Commercial Introduction. It goes like this:

This episode of Burn Notice is being brought to you by Hyundai.


This weeks CSI Miami is presented by T-Mobile.

Almost every sponsor and show is using this in some combination, followed by, you guessed it, the commercial. Continue Reading…

Cash for Clunkers a clunker?

CARSUnless you’ve been in a monastery, you’ve got to have heard about the US Government’s C.A.R.S. or Cash for Clunkers program. It seems like every commercial break on TV has three commercials for car dealers desperate to make the most of it while it lasts. But, now that it’s almost over, we’re hearing about problems the dealers have getting their money and customers having to wait for their cars.

We all saw how they have to destroy the trade-in’s engine by running it with the oil drained and replaced by a mixture that quickly destroys the engine. We also know that the program is only for new cars that get at least a certain number of miles per gallon more than the trade-in.

So, I’m surprised at how little fuss this has received from Joe Public. Let’s look at who this multi-billion dollar program benefits… Continue Reading…

To protect and serve

That used to be the motto of many police departments. Today it’s more like To prosecute and serve warrants.

Suppose you were talking on the phone to your Little Old Granny who lives across the country from you. Then she stops talking. You become worried about her and call the police. It happens all the time. It’s called a welfare check.

Now suppose that the police arrive and find Granny snoozing. She fell asleep while on the phone. Hey, that happens too. The police arrest Granny and charge her for “second-degree aggravated harassment and third-degree falsely reporting an incident.” Continue Reading…

Les Paul dies


Last night, I was looking at the web site for Heil Sound. I was sort of window shopping for a microphone, but ended up getting distracted – like I often do on the internet – and was browsing through the photos on Bob’s site.

LesPaulBobHeilI came across this photo, of Bob Heil with Les Paul and a shudder went down my spine. Here was an image of two men, possibly THE two men, responsible for modern sound recording technology. Each of them came up with equipment and techniques that, while not wiz-bang super-new technology, the way they applied their knowledge to a problem they saw changed the way that music recording and live sound amplification was done almost universally.

Little did I know, the next day, I’d be reading that Les Paul had died. Continue Reading…

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