Little-known facts…

Well, not to be outdone by Barak Obama’s big speech at the republican Convention, John McCain couldn’t wait until next week to announce his running mate.

In what is quickly becoming an Internet meme, people have begun Twittering Sarah Palin Little-Known Facts.

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My prediction…

I'm a DTV Deputy!

On February 17, 2009 all full-power broadcast television stations in the United States will stop broadcasting on analog airwaves and begin broadcasting only in digital. Digital broadcasting will allow stations to offer improved picture and sound quality and additional channels.

My prediction, should you care, is this will be the beginning of the end of over-the-air Television.

Oh, sure, I’ve seen Digital TV. I have one. I have it connected to a full-sized, rotating antenna. It takes that much to get it to work.

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Thank God the Olymics are over…

and we can get back to normal TV viewing: The Democratic National Convention.


Pet Peeves

Occasionally, I spout off about something that bothers me here. Really, I do. Well, alright, that’s about all I do here. This is another of those times.

Soda Pop Six Packs
I have to talk about something that is undoubtedly one of the most serious problems our modern society faces, if not in magnitude, at least in sheer ubiquity. While not a large problem, it’s tenacity as it keeps coming back and back to haunt me makes it irritating on a grand scale.

What could this monumental problem be? Continue Reading…

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