Summer is on it’s way

Lockport Cruise Night
One of the signs that summer is almost here happened tonight in Lockport: Cruise Night!

Now, I’m not a big fan of Hot Rods, or cars in general. Heck, I won’t even change my own oil! But the Cruise Nights are always fun on a number of levels and I usually make a point of visiting them several times a season.

Through the summer months they hold the Cruise Night downtown. The past year or two it has been at Ida Fritz Park, a triangular park bounded by Hawley Street, Park Avenue and West Main Street. If it had a fourth side, it would be Transit Street, but the point of the triangle comes together right there. It used to be further down Main Street, but this is really an ideal place and many people enjoy it every year. Continue Reading…

Remember when…

$100 Dollar Bill

Remember when gas stations wouldn’t take $50 or $100 dollar bills because they were so unusual they suspected counterfeits?

Today, you’d better have those big bills, or else you won’t have enough cash to fill your tank. Actually, I can’t remember the last time I paid for gasoline with cash. It’s become one of those things that you only use plastic for. Continue Reading…

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