Turn off Channel 7

WKBW workers picket at rally

[Photo above from a earlier rally, not today!]

I was driving on Transit Road in Amherst today and saw a sign that just caught my eye. There was a website URL on it that read “7newsunfair.com” and I wondered what it meant. I went by it so quickly that I didn’t see what the sign was referring to or if there were any people around with it. Traffic was busy enough that I just couldn’t rubberneck any more, so I remembered it for later.

So I checked it out and found a story you won’t see on Eyewitness News. Continue Reading…


I’ve done it. Again. Against my Luddite inclinations, I’ve joined yet another of the latest-greatest web social networking services. Twitter.

After hearing about it over and over and over and over, ad-nauseum, from every talking head on the TWIT network (This Week In Tech, no connection to Twitter) I was curious about Twitter.

My friend, Scott Leffler does a call-in radio show and recently started taking comments via IM, AIM, MSN, ICQ, etc. I was going to suggest Twitter to him, not as a substitute to those, but well, it sounded like something he’d find useful, but before I could, he announced that he had joined Twitter on his website. Continue Reading…

Citizen journalism?

Tell It Like It Is

Is blogging journalism? They seem to think so at the Buffalo News. The News runs Buffalo.com, a web portal as well as their own site for the newspaper, buffalonews.com. They also run a public free blogging site called Your Hub as well as a photo sharing site called spotted. Both of the latter are pre-packaged “solutions” that are simply customized for their use, mostly by adding the word “Buffalo.”
Continue Reading…

More Bars in More Places

Map of Oliver Street

No, not AT&T.

Every time I hear that commercial, I can’t help but think of Oliver Street in North Tonawanda.

Is it just me? Continue Reading…

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