Well, it’s Spring 2014, even if the weather has been reluctant to let go of winter, and it’s time to start planning the cycle touring for the season.
It’s been on my mind a lot, but the weather hasn’t been cooperating. The Bikepacking.us group held an alumni tour on the C&O Trail recently, and I could have gone, but didn’t get in on it. In retrospect, I should have, the weather turned out fine for it, with just a light rain the first night after they had made camp.
But they scared me away with talk of 50 mile days and single-track bikes. From the looks of the photos I saw, it was no worse than the GAP trail and better than the Greenbriar, plus they scaled back their mileage a bit as well. I probably should have done it.
But, I’m signed on for the June GAP trip, which is already filled to capacity. It’s going to be a great time revisiting the Great Allegheny Passage again.
I want to do more, but don’t know when I will get time. I’m thinking that some short weekend, or 3-4 day solo trips might be the thing to do to build confidence and stamina without getting too far form home. I have some obligations that mean I simply can’t take off cross-country right now. I am taking care of my Mother’s affairs since she is in a nursing home and my son needs me to go to NYC with him in May for part of his lung transplant preparation. When he gets on an active list, I’ll need to be ready to go at a moment’s notice if he gets a call, too.
But the weather is finally turning more pleasant. I have done almost no riding yet, though I have both bikes out of the basement and in the garage and have given them a basic checkup. Putting them in the basement was a good idea, as they fared better than leaving them in the garage all winter.
I’d really like to get comfortable riding the HP Velo Street Machine. If it works out, it would be an ideal touring bike for trails like the C&O. But right now, I’m wobbly like a kid who just got their training wheels off.
So here I am dreaming and writing, rather than out riding. Hopefully, I’ll have better tales to tell and will get out there to ride very soon. Right now, I’m preparing for the trip to St. Louis with the robotic team, which has done very well this year and has kept me busy through the winter.