I’m going to post this under “Family”, since I don’t have a category for “school” and well, these guys feel like family anyway!
This weekend was the 35th class reunion of the DeSales High School Class of 1971. We were a small class, under 100 students, so we were always close. We went through a lot together in the four years at DeSales and we had our share of spats and fights, but like a family, came through it all good friends.
It was a great reunion and it was so good to see everyone and their spouses again. I think each time we hold a reunion, it’s easier to enjoy: less pressure to impress anyone, or be anything other than ourselves. We really just all enjoyed each other’s company so much this time.
We missed quite a few people, many of them that have been to earlier reunions, and some we’ve lost touch with. (We thought about you all, honest.) I know a lot of people may have had other committments this weekend and couldn’t make it. We were thinking of them and missed their friendship.
Thankfully, I don’t think there have been any recent additions to those who are no longer with us. Sadly, as we all get older, that will change.
The committee who put the reunion together – and I don’t want to make an all-inclusive list of names, because I will miss someone and I don’t want that – did a super job of running it. They did a great job, yet kept it inexpensive. I think our class could meet anywhere and have a great time, but everything was really nice. The mass and tour of the school was a really nice touch and the folks at DeSales (now a k-8 school) seemed really hapy to have us back and proud to show us what the school is accomplishing today. It’s nice to see it still carrying on the tradition.
Anyway, if you’re looking for the photos I took on Saturday, here they are.. It’s not where I originally intended to put them, but I think this will work fine. They’re on a server (computer) in my own home and that makes it much easier to add/edit. If it doesn’t load or runs slowly that’s why, but for the few of us that will be viewing, it should be fine. I have a lot of other photos on the same set-up.
I can easily add any more you want to send me. Feel free to email them to me. Debbie and I will get something set up to replace the desalesknights71.com page before it runs out. Something where we can keep in touch until next reunion.
It was great to see you and your wife @ the reunion. I enjoyed planning the reunion. Every reunion meeting was a mini-reunion for me.
Your comments above are very profound.
Say hello to your Seabee Dad from another Seabee (the only lottery, I ever won).
Until next time,
Thanks for sharing the pictures! You’re absolutely correct it was a great reunion. I was on the committee with Carl and I agree with him…every meeting was a mini reunion. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch via websites! Here’s an idea to mull over…How about the class of 71 pooling our $$$ together and purchasing a $1000.00 big brick for the garden out front? Any thoughts??
I was thinking the same thing as we were there.
How about a stone in honor of Father Crowne? I noticed there was nothing to honor him there.
Also, I don’t know how long Debbie can keep the reunion website active. I have started a new site we can use- http://desales71.gritzmacher.net/ – what do you think?
Hi Al,
Just viewed the pictures and they were great like being at the re-union all over again. The comittee did a great job and I think everyone enjoyed themselves immensely, we have to work on more people attending next time. I think Ann Russell has a good idea about us pooling our money for a stone in memory of our class, I’m all for it!
Yea lets keep a web site going also. Mag