Here’s another sight from my walks around home. This is the same location as yesterday’s, so if you guessed that one, you’ve got this one.
I took these photos with my cellphone, so they are definitely low-tech. But they came out okay. I may get ambitious and carry my good camera along on some walks.
It’s always a good day to read a book, if you’re these two kids. This art seems to capture a perpetual lazy, summer day. I always liked this one and it often catches my eye, even as I drive by this location.
Read tomorrows post to find out where this is.
Yesterday’s photo: The barefoot painter, which reminds me of Tom Sawyer, except that I always thought he used a brush for his whitewash, is found on Transit Street, at the Lockport Inn and Suites, a local motel and a great place to stay if you’re visiting.
I like it too.
I enjoyed seeing these. Besides providing a little scenery for the neighborhood, they make a statement that the people who run the Inn care about their business.