Podcast Update

As much as I hate the term “podcast” I’ll use it, like I use “Kleenex” when I mean tissue.

But anyway, I’m working towards starting my podcasts. I finally ordered and have received about $1200 worth of audio equipment. Now I know people will tell you that you don’t need that kind of money to get into podcasting and I agree. But I want to do some special types of podcasts so I picked up some special equipment. Continue Reading…

Lockport Mayor won’t strike Delphi

Lockport Mayor Mike Tucker, a Delphi hourly employee and Union appointee, said in an interview that he wouldn’t participate in a strike at Delphi if one was called. He seemed to think that because he is Mayor (a part-time job) that he should remain neutral. Continue Reading…

Pataki Offers Delphi Incentives

“Pataki Offers Delphi Incentives” was the headline in yesterday’s paper. Apparently, not learning from the past, the Governor is offering to help Delphi take from the taxpayer again as it screws over it’s employees too. Continue Reading…

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