Why I comment on my own articles

Before someone asks, and I’m sure eventually, someone will, I’ll explain.

I often add comments to my own posts. Not just a reply to someone else’s comment, but stand-alone comments. The reason I do that is to be clear that what is in the comment is an addition to the post, not an original part of it.

I often correct my posts – spelling, grammar and unclear syntax – but I’m reluctant, once published, to alter the actual content. By putting something I’m adding into a comment, it’s clear it was added later.

Actual corrections to content of any significance, such as when I make a mistake (I know, that couldn’t happen) will be made in the article, and duly marked. I like strike-outs for the old, wrong stuff!

You might not care, but there are purists out there who think blogs are just like mainstream media and should follow rules like they do. I’m not under any illusion that my ramblings fall in that category, but I still aspire to some higher standard.

But don’t sit there waiting to see what I add as comments, add you own! I’m happy to have anyone reading my blog add their thoughts to any article. Just go to the bottom of the whole post, or click the little comments icon with the little cartoon talk-balloon symbol, and use the Leave a Comment box. You’ll have to leave a name and email and answer a captcha so that the site doesn’t get spammed into oblivion, but don’t let that scare you away. First posts are held for approval, but subsequent ones are automatic.

Old Hippies, Living With The War

Living With War TodayIn 1968, I was still in High School. I remember vividly the times, the Vietnam War, the protests, the music. I remember, on the weekend of Woodstock wishing I could go. I remember the news reports of the traffic jams on the Thruway, the fence jumpers, the eventual anarchy. I remember the war protests and the way everyone was a little shocked when they came to happen at UB and police used tear gas here in Buffalo. That was a bit of a reality check for Western New Yorkers. It’s different when it’s LA or Detroit, but this was home.

I’m watching a documentary, CSNY / Deja Vu, and it got me thinking of all that. How much has changed and how much things have stayed the same. Continue Reading…

Georgia on my mind

I was at the hospital and of course the TV in the room was on a quality news source – Fox News (that was sarcasm, folks) and they were talking about the cease-fire, or lack thereof, between Russia and Georgia. The nurse commented that she didn’t even know that Russia had invaded Georgia. When told that it had started almost a week prior, she was flabbergasted. Which only goes to show how little impact it has on the American public. Continue Reading…

Watching the Olympics

Look at the lyrics to Elvis Costello’s Watching The Detectives. Start by changing the word ‘detectives’ to ‘olympics.’ You don’t have to change a whole lot else. It’s just waiting to be picked by Weird Al Yankovic for his next song parody…

We’re sitting here watching the Mens’ Scynchronized Cannonball (Platform Diving) and wondering how far they can go to dream up more made-for-TV sports to take attention away from the real sports taking place.

First of all, in my opinion, if it can’t be measured by time, distance, or points (i.e. real points caused by something physical like a ball or person crossing a line, not a judge’s impression.) it isn’t a sport. It might be art, it might be a dance, but it’s not a sport. Continue Reading…

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