Latest News on Al in Pittsburgh

I had hoped Al would be posting more here to keep everyone updated on his progress after the transplant, but he’s only made a couple postings. That’s okay, maybe he hasn’t felt like it, or has been too distracted by the constant attention he’s getting (to his consternation) from the nursing staff…

But I’ve been in touch daily mostly via IM. He’s been doing well, with no real setbacks. At this point, he’s got every one of the multitude of tubes had attached to him removed, with the exception of one IV in his mediport. I’m sure he’s probably getting important things through that, like antibiotics. There’s something about removing an IV that they never like to do until the last minute. It’s like they want to yank it out as your walking out the door.

Of course, the only thing worse than waiting forever to get an IV out is having to put one back in because it was taken out too early. But with the mediport, that’s relatively minor. Continue Reading…

New theme

If you’ve been here before, you’ve noticed a new look. I found a theme I liked called Tigopedia Reloaded. It’s got a clean, three-column look and I think it makes the site a bit clearer. Hope you like it…

Traffic report

unique visits in Oct 2008I was curious how many people have been visiting this site since Albert’s surgery. I know a lot of you have left comments and well-wishes, so I know there is interest.

There has been a definite surge in traffic here since the 23rd of October, which you can see in the chart. I almost never check this and I don’t have a page counter on this site. They’re tacky and unreliable anyway. Most of the time, I don’t care if I have 3 or 3,000,000 viewers. But this is interesting.

This chart is Unique Visits, in other words individual people, no matter how many pages they read. We hit a peak of 1,930 raw views on the 28th. Wow! Continue Reading…

Open your eyes, not your hearts…

The television industry is once again, treating you as nothing but a consumer cash-cow, an open wallet for them to reach into.

I was indulging in one of my guilty pleasures, watching My Name Is Earl. I can’t help it, it’s such a stupid comedy, yet the characters are so endearing and when you come down to brass tacks, it’s really about someone doing the right thing, even if how it gets done is pretty ridiculous at times.

But tonight’s episode crossed a line, selling out bigtime to advertising and product placement. In the show, Joy, Earls’ ditzy Ex, sees a commercial on TV with Jane Seymour pushing some diamond necklace. Later she has a dream about it and sees Jane in her medicine cabinet. Seymour tells her that she has to disprove the theory of evolution so that she can have her own diamond necklace.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about creationism to me. I think it’s hilarious that Joy sets out to disprove Darwin’s theory by putting a fish into an aquarium and putting food up on a rock. She says that if the fish grows legs and climbs up on the rock, then Darwin was right. The only problem is, she’s so stupid, she doesn’t know a pollywog from a fish and it does grow legs!

Continue Reading…

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