
ChuckWhat do you get if you cross The 40 Year-old Virgin with James Bond?

The post title says it all.

I’m not sure why that works, but I can’t stop watching…

Internet Radio

Whenever I travel, inevitably, sooner or later, I have a little leisure time that I spend listening to local broadcast radio. Sometimes it’s in the car, driving around. Sometimes it’s listening on a portable radio, Walkman-style.

I rarely travel far without my MP3 player and a collection of music in it, but it’s still fun to listen to the local FM music scenes. My current MP3 player has a FM radio built-in. Not much of a consideration when I bought it, but I’m glad it’s there.

Why would I want to listen to the radio when I have my own selection of music at hand? I’ll answer that question with another: Why do some people seem to be stuck in the era they grew up in? Why do they go to bars and listen to cover bands and never try new music?

Because they know what they like and stop looking for anything else. They get stagnant in their music. Continue Reading…

A Tale of Two Malls

So many ornaments, you can hardly see the tree...

It was the worst of times, it was the best of times…

The starting line of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities sure fits here.

Yesterday, after we got done with Al’s business at the hospital, we went out to see if we could get some shopping done. I was looking for a certain type of specialty store that Santa has sworn me to secrecy over, so I won’t mention it, other than that.

We did a little research on Google and found two shopping malls in or near Pittsburgh that we thought were worth a try. The first was across the river on the south shore and the other one was a few miles further away, but still not that far. Continue Reading…

Back in Pittsburgh, laptop fixed.

Al is back in Pittsburgh for the week. He is there, not because anything is wrong, or even because of the transplant directly, but because he is taking part in some research study.

He went there Monday with his Aunt Gayle along. I am going to drive down Wednesday or Thursday to take her place for the rest of the week. Continue Reading…

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