I’ve read where NASA has a proposal for a new initiative to go to the moon. The critics are already making their knee-jerk reaction of saying it costs too much and the money is needed for other things closer to home.

Yes, it will cost a lot. Over many years. What do the critics think they do with the money? Load in in a rocket and send it to the moon? Make moonmen rich? No. It all stays right here on good old Earth. In fact most of it here in good old USA. The money goes back into the economy. It makes whole industries run. It pays for materials that someone has to sell. It pays wages that employ people like you or me. It pays for high tech jobs and low tech ones as well. Can you imagine the bill just for sweeping the floors at NASA? Continue Reading…

The Doctor Is In (Trouble)

Every issue, QST runs a Q&A help article called The Doctor Is In that answers readers questions about Ham Radio. Usually they are technical topics and the answers can be quite helpful, particularily to the new Ham. But this one opened the column this month and I just have to give it my own answer. Continue Reading…

Rite Aid: No Walk-ins accepted?

It was such a nice evening tonight, I decided to walk up to the corner to the drug store to get a few things. It’s only a couple blocks and it’s something I like to do. It’s just so close it seems wasteful to drive, unless I’m on my way to someplace else. Continue Reading…

Entry page

Well, I got rid of the entry page I had on the server. It was annoying me. I put it up there at first to just be a place holder, but it looked so weird compared to the clean lean look of the WordPress blog, I hated to make everyone hop through it.

So you can just use from now on to get here. No more /wp … it will add that for you.

You can still see the old page if you’re curious. Another copy of it is at where it has been sitting for a year or so. Before that, it has been here and there as my ‘homepage’ for many years with few changes. You can see the photos of my kids snowboarding in 2000. The page was already old when I added them…

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