Frank’s Really steps in it when it comes to the dressing

Local news erupted in horror recently when Frank’s Red Hot sauce tweeted that Ranch Dressing was appropriate dressing to go with “Buffalo Wings.”

Franks Red Hot tweet

It was immediately pounced upon by the Buffalo media and followers.
WGRZ and The GUSTO section of the Buffalo News

Of course, runny Ranch Dressing just isn’t up to the job of replacing real Bleu Cheese dressing, as one tweeter recounted that his wife put out some ranch dressing at a superbowl party, and no one touched it.

But this is a long time pet peeve of mine. There are so many things wrong here that I have to set the record straight.
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A Tax-Cut Question.

I lied Billionaire come firstA friend asked this on Facebook.

“Will one of my democrat friends please explain to me why tax cuts for a majority of tax payers is a bad thing? I can not wrap my head around the thought processes that would come to that conclusion.

“The government is actually letting you keep more of your money and you are complaining about it?

“I don’t get it!”

The short answer is, a tax cut is never a bad thing for those who get it. Enjoy your money.

The bad thing is how unfairly, how unequally, it has been applied across our society. You’re getting a modest tax cut for a year or two that will taper off and leave you right where you were, while the ultra-rich are getting a huge tax cut permanently. The ones who already are doing well with the system, who need tax relief the least are getting the most.

Let me be clear about this: The rich are doing well by exploiting our economic system to their benefit. Good. More power to them. But they need to pay for the system they use. They make the most off our economy, so they should pay the most to support our society’s needs. I’m happy they are doing well, but it is at the expense of and the exploitation of, the workers, consumers, and small businesses, that they enjoy their prosperity. They should pay more taxes, not less. They owe our society more for what they have profited from it. And contributing to the survival of the least of society’s members will benefit them, whether they admit it or not. They need a customer base. They need a workforce. Continue Reading…

Spam is best fried…

I just cleared out a bunch of comments that were being held for moderation. The spam filters I have on this site work pretty well. Nothing gets through them. Unfortunately, legitimate comments from first-time commenters are almost always held for review.

Most of the spam comments are just link spam. Someone, probably a bot, posts comment filled with links to other sites. They do this so that they will get better ranking in search engines because it looks like a lot of sites link to them. Easy to stop.

The ones I laugh at the most, though, are the ones that sound like a sincere message from someone who want to help make my site better and get better placement in search engines. The tip off that they haven’t even looked at my site is they always talk about improving my site to make more money. Ha. Money is the last thing on my mind here. But they think that I need their service to improve my SEO – or Search Engine Optimization.

I’m convinced that SEO actually means SnakE Oil.


Fat Guy Across America

Last June, a fellow decided to ride a bike across America to lose weight, get his life together, and impress his estranged wife that he loved her.

Eric Hites - Fat Guy on a Bike

Eric Hites – Fat Guy on a Bike

I heard about it very early on and followed him on Facebook and his website. It was an interesting idea and I wanted to cheer him on. After all, doing something like that has been one of my ambitions as well.

I checked daily to see how he was doing at first. I expected updates to see where he was and where he was headed. Initially, his plan was to begin in Massachusetts and travel west across the country. I wanted to know where he might pass by here and maybe go out and ride with him for a day. His plans were not very organized, but he initially thought he would pass through Pennsylvania. Okay, I could travel that far. Continue Reading…

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