Sony/BMG CD Exchange

Here’s the site where if you have a CD that contains the Sony/BMG XCP rootkit Copy protection, you can get a replacement copy. Continue Reading…

Sony Rootkit controversy continues

Wired has an interesting article on the Sony/BMG Rotkit fiasco.

Among the many points the article explores is the reluctance of other companies to step in on this issue:

What do you think of your antivirus company, the one that didn’t notice Sony’s rootkit as it infected half a million computers?

Continue Reading…

One for my son, Al

Or, why yell down the stairwell, when you can Blog about it instead? Continue Reading…

America hates censorship! Emperor Bush has no clothes!

In an article reporting the U N decision to hold talks on removing control of the Internet from the U. S. and decentralizing it, The Inquirer had this astute comment: Continue Reading…

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