Delphi in Washington Post article

Here’s the article:

An Industrial Town Stares Change in the Face
Woes of Auto Parts Maker Threaten Wages

By Sholnn Freeman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 12, 2005; A01

LOCKPORT, N.Y. — Like a lot of people in town, Pam Mondello can feel the American dream slipping from her grasp.

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I have a confession to make: I haven’t read a book in years. Continue Reading…

Made me laugh…

Think Geek Buttontill I cried. (Thanks to Think Geek you can have your own!)

I used to work for Harrison Radiator, a division of GM. They didn’t give me any choice whether I wanted to work for Delphi. Now you know how I felt.

SONY What are you thinking?

The reports of SONY’s total contempt for their customer just keep coming in. A second type of malware installed by some CDs has come to light, as well as the Mac versions mentioned earlier. They are also alienating users of their game systems with a proposed system that links a game to a specific player making it impossible to use in another player, say if yours breaks, or if you want to take it to a friends house. Continue Reading…

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