Listening: KFI’s Tech Guy, Leo LaPorte

Yes, I listen to Leo religiously. KFI, CFRB (I could actually receive that one myself, but getting the podcast is so convenient.) This Week In Tech, Security Now…

I just can’t get enough. Continue Reading…

Updated: Now using WordPress 2.0

My son told me he had upgraded his blog to WP 2.0. He’s so smug that he beats me to those things! Continue Reading…

Ham Podcasters

Amateur Radio operators are usually early adopters of technology. It’s little wonder, they work with technology in their hobby, they must be interested – inquisitive, even – about it. So, it’s no surprise to see them in podcasting. No, actually, it’s surprising how long it took! Continue Reading…

NC-2030 Update

Well, I promised to keep you up to date on my NC-2030 building. I received mine a few weeks before Christmas and held off starting them until later. I had a few reasons. Continue Reading…

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