Summer Concerts

You already probably know I enjoy music and that the kind I like best is live, and even better free or at least cheap!

So it’s been a topic of conversation several times recently with people I know. The new Molson Canal/City Center series in Lockport, the North Tonawanda series that replaces the one moved to Lockport and the old standbys, Thursday at the Square in Buffalo and the Artpark shows on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I made a comment recently to a local supporter of the Lockport concerts that they were okay, but I wished they weren’t acts that we’ve already seen play in summer concert shows around here in the recent past. His point of view was that it’s Lockport – anything we have is better than nothing which is what we had had before. But does that mean we should settle for anything?

I don’t want to sound negative. I like the concerts and I’ll probably be at them. The sky will probably be blue, too. No, I’ll be at as many as possible, just because they are so close to home. But my observation stands. Not only that, it applies to almost all the local shows. They only seem to pick, safe, time-tested acts that we’ve all seen before and it’s turning into the oldies-but-goodies circuit.

Now, there are always fans who will show up to see Band X because they are Band X fans and will go see Band X every time Band X plays locally no matter what because they are Band X fans. Isn’t that repetitive though? Aren’t you tired of Band X by now, I am. Continue Reading…

Giant Cicadas

Your big fat cicada wedding!Listening to the news again. I have to stop doing that. Life would be simpler then. But I heard a story today about Cicadas coming this summer.

The story went on to tell about how they live underground and only come out every 17 years and cause a nuisance while they are here to mate. Big news! It only happens every 17 years!

[UPI News Story]

Wait a minute! That’s what they said last year. And the year before.

So I looked into it further. I know that we hear them singing every summer and are as much a symbol of summer as sunburn and picnics. We see the shells of them on the tree trunks where they shed them. Continue Reading…

Marshawn watch

The Buffalo PD are still waiting to hear from Marshawn Lynch to hear about hit involvement in a hit-and-run last weekend. We’re still waiting for the truth.

A recent report claims a witness identified Lynch at the scene and the victim, a visitor from Ontario, has been publicly identified.

But Marshawn remains mum. Continue Reading…


I was playing with a web site – – that gives a shortened URL for a web site. I happened to type in the URL of this web site and that’s what I got: Continue Reading…

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