A friend sent me this. I couldn’t keep it to myself!
Heaven’s not a place to go when you die. It’s that moment in life when you actually feel alive.
25 Feb, 2009
by Albert Gritzmacher
in Humour, Raves, TV
No Comments
A friend sent me this. I couldn’t keep it to myself!
25 Feb, 2009
by Albert Gritzmacher
in Music, Rants, WNY
1 Comment
[Thanks to the Buffalo News for the video]
Representatives of the radical religous group, Westboro Baptist Church [Wikipedia link, I won’t give them the honor of a link to thier own website.] came to the area to protest the memorials of the victims of the Flight 3407 crash. When they arrived, all three of them, they were shown for what they were, a fringe minority.
They were greeted with WNY hospitality, a non-violent presence where local activists just overwhelmed them with a larger, more respectful group.
I guess the WBC people just gave up and went away after they didn’t get all the attention, like they wanted. Y’all don’t come back now, hear?
A while back, I saw a group called I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House and they played this song, which expresses what I think is a suitable sentiment for these so-called-religious zealots.
[Caution: audio not suitable for children or an office environment, or if your Mother is listening.]
Sometimes, you just have to balance one kind of hate with another…
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