Heavy MetalMassive metal, painted black, sits silent, waiting at a Lockport corner.

When I was a kid, and dinosaurs roamed the earth, this used to be a favorite spot to sit, climb and hang out. The grass around this spot was worn away from use and many a bump and bruise was gotten falling here.

Into the breechToday, I rarely see anyone give it a second glance. The park it sits in seems to have more to offer in its brightly colored swings, slides and playground equipment, all of which is safe and soft plastic, not dangerous metal like this metal dinosaur.

A tribute to a war long gone, there is no plaque to commemorate it’s placement here. Yet it sits, large as life, as the biggest example of it’s kind in Lockport.

Wheels of WarWhere am I? Read tomorrows walkabout post to find out. Continue Reading…